Contact US


UT PR: Welcome to the official webpage of University of Tehran (UT). This website is managed by the UT Public Relation office.

What we are doing
Promote UT’s Technology and Innovation Ecosystem to the world Academia;  
Publish newsworthy information, events, and people to the society;
Provide News Services to the Media, Journalists and Broadcasting;
Respond to Media Inquiries and Interview/Report Requests;
Direct all inquiries to the Relevant Departments.

What we are publishing
UT homepage in English,
UT homepage in Persian,
UT news webpage in Persian; featuring news articles, Reports, Interviews, announcements, photos and Multimedia;
UT Social Channels:Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, Eitaa
Contact Info
Postal Code: 1417935840
Phone Number:

  • Office of International Relations: (+98 21) 61113411
  • Office for International Students and Staff: (+98 21) 61112951

Address: 16th Azar St., Enghelab Sq., Tehran, Iran,
Fax:  0098-21-66498873
Post Office Box: 14155-6619