Iran produces 2 recombinant drugs for treating cancer disease

15 January 2024 | 13:49 Code : 39286 News


TEHRAN, Jan. 14 (MNA) – Researchers at the University of Tehran managed to produce two types of recombinant drugs to treat self-immune diseases and some cancers.

Speaking in an interview with Mehr news agency (MNA), Fatemeh Asgarieh, a researcher at the research team of the university, pointed to the production of the two recombinant medicines used for the treatment of self-immune diseases and also some cancers including lung, liver and skin cancers and stated that the developed medicine is licensed by the Iranian Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

There is a foreign-made similar drug in which “Interleukin II” has been used but “we used Interleukin 21 that has fewer side effects and has the same function," she said.

Interleukin (IL) 1 is a highly potent pro-inflammatory mediator that is important in immune defense and in immune-mediated disease, she added.

Interleukins are among the chemicals that are used to regulate and accelerate the processes that are supposed to happen in the human body, she said, adding that interleukin 21 is used to treat cancer diseases.

Courtesy of MNA

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