President of Qasim Al-Khadra University, Iraq pays a visit to UT Graduate Faculty of Environment

25 November 2023 | 10:35 Code : 38085 News
President of Qasim Al-Khadra University, Iraq pays a visit to UT Graduate Faculty of Environment


Prof. Alireza Nourpour, Dean of the Graduate Faculty of Environment  in a meeting with Dr. Dr. Hassan Qate Al-Awadi,, the President of Qasim al-Khadra University in Babil province, Iraq, which was held at the Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, explained about  the researches and projects of the Graduate Faculty of Environment in the field of industrial and urban waste management, water recycling and the construction of urban and industrial water treatment plants. , measurement and reduction of air pollution as well as reduction of flare gas in oil and gas refineries and added: Considering the needs of Iraq, all these cases can be the field of practical cooperation between the Gradute Faculty of Environment and Iraqi side.

In this meeting, which was held with the aim of following up on the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding  regarding the cooperation between the Graduate Faculty of  Environment  and Qasim Al-Khadera University, he stated: The Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran is ready, with focusing on the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran to participate in the establishment of a technology park in Iraq in cooperation with the Graduate Faculty of Environment.

Also, the cooperation between the two sides can be realized in the form of holding joint applied courses and joint international conferences.

Referring to the publication of four international scientific-research journals by the Graduate Faculty of Environment of UT, all of which are indexed in Scopus and two journal titles in ISI, Mr. Nourpour invited the professors and researchers of Iraqi universities to collaborate in these prestigious journals.

Referring to the establishment of this university in 2012, Dr. Hassan Qate Al-Awadi, the President of Qasim al-Khadra University, pointed out the desire of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education to cooperate with Iranian universities and said: Qasim al-Khadra University is considering establishing a Persian language teaching group for Iraqi students before being sent to study in Iranian universities.

He also emphasized the international reputation of Iranian universities and the desire of the Faculty of Environment in Iraq to realize the Memorandum of Understanding with the Graduate Faculty of Environment at UT and said: This MoU valid for another three years, and if it becomes effective, its validity will be extended. Qasim al-Khadra University is interested in starting this cooperation as soon as possible in the form of joint supervision of theses and holding joint conferences and classes and expanding to other fields.  

In this meeting, which was held in the presence of Dr. Reza Ghasemi, the Executive Vice President of the
Graduate Faculty of Environment and Dr. Azadeh Mohajer Milani, Advisor to the  Dean on International Affairs ,  it was decided to establish a six-member joint working group, consisting of three faculty members from Qasim Al-Khadera University and three faculty members from Graduate Faculty of Environment at UT to continuously follow the implementation of the provisions of the MoU.

Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations at Tehran University and Mohammad Hadi Mohammad, Director of International Affairs of Qasim Al Khadara University also discussed communication routes for official correspondence and the possibility of speeding up correspondence between the two universities. After this meeting, the Iraqi delegation visited the laboratories, library and facilities of the Graduate Faculty of Environment

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