UT professor achievements

09 September 2023 | 11:23 Code : 36591 News


The  membership of University of Tehran professor in the scientific committee as well as providing scientific services as a visiting professor at Lanzhou University in China

Dr. Hassan Fazli Nashli, Professor of the Department of Archeology of University of Tehran, was appointed as the scientific committee of 8 Asian countries participating in the Silk Road studies, including Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. In the elections that took place on August 29, 2023 in the city of Xi'an, China, Dr. Hassan Fazli Nashli was elected as a member of this committee for three years, which is supposed to carry out very important projects among the Asian countries of the Silk Road jointly, and definitely contribute Iran is very important and valuable in the studies of Asian civilization history. Only Asian researchers participate in this completely Asian project.

Also, Professor Hasan Fazli Nashli from University of Tehran was appointed as a visiting professor of Key Laboratory of Environmental Systems of Western China, MOE, Lanzhou University from August 2023 to August 2028. Lanzhou University is one of the most prestigious universities in China, which provides the ground for very important cooperation related to interdisciplinary sciences between University of Tehran and Lanzhou University.

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