Top Academics from Muslim World to Discuss Ways to Counter Quran Desecration

01 August 2023 | 08:20 Code : 36041 Achievements


Culture & KnowledgeCulture

TEHRAN (IQNA) – A host of top academic figures from various Muslim countries will address ways to counter Quran desecration.

 Top Academics from Muslim World to Discuss Ways to Counter Quran Desecration

IQNA has organized an international webinar dubbed "Unassailable Quran" with the participation of academic figures from different countries.

The event has gained its name from verse 41 of Surah Fussilat which reads: "Indeed it is an unassailable book" [41:41]

The following figures will address the live event:

- Sheikh Ali al-Qaradaghi, Secretary General International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) – Qatar

- Sheikh Abdul Fattah Taruti, prominent qari – Egypt

- Prof. Ibtisam Al-Sayed Abdul Karim Al-Madani, Dean of Faculty of Education at the University of Kufa – Iraq

- Prof. Hassan Hassan Al-Qais, President of the Islamic University of Lebanon – Lebanon

- Prof. Mohsen Rasoul al-Saffar, Head of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the Islamic University of Najaf – Iraq

- Prof. Zainab Al Mulla Al Sultani, President of Al Zahraa University for Women – Iraq

- Prof. Mohammad Roslan bin Mohammad Nor, Head of the Department of Islamic History and Civilization of Universiti Malaya - Malaysia

- Muhammad Azmi Abdulhamid, President of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (MAPIM) – Malaysia

- Professor Mahmud Vaezi, Head of the School of Theology and Islamic Studies of the University of Tehran – Iran

The scientific event will start on Tuesday, at 10:30 AM UTC, and those interested can watch it live from IQNA’s page on Aparat.

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