Workshop held by UT Professor

22 July 2023 | 10:16 Code : 35840 News
Workshop held by UT Professor


Persian Historiography and Digital Humanities is the topic of the workshop which will be held by Prof. Goodarzs Rashtiani , Faculty Member of Faculty of Literature and Humanities, UT at University of Bamberg, Germany :

The related notice reads as follows:

Workshop with Prof. Goodarz Rashtiani (Department of History, University of Tehran)

Monday, 24 July 2023, SP17/01.18, from 10:00 to 16:00

Program and Topics:

10-12:        Digital humanities, review of virtual sources in the field of Iranian Studies.

12-14:       Persian historiography in the Caucasus and Central Asia (16th to early 20 century).

16-18:        Introduction to Russian and Caucasian archives in the field of Iranian Studies.

The workshop will be taught in Persian (questions in English are always an option).

Professor Rashtiani is an internationally renowned expert in the history of Iranian-Caucasus relations, of archival materials and Persian historiography.

His workshop is also a unique opportunity to learn about digital humanities and resources in Iran.

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