The name of University of Tehran student in the list of 100 selected photographers of the world

10 July 2023 | 06:59 Code : 35565 News
The name of University of Tehran student in the list of 100 selected photographers of the world


Medyar Shojaifar, a photographer from Khuzestan and a student of social development studies (rural orientation) in the master's degree of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tehran, managed to be included in the list of 100 selected photographers in the world in the "Cannon Student Development Program" event.

The "Canon Student Development Program" event has been held in 2023 with the aim of discovering talents from all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and during a professional and rigorous process by the world's best editors from the world's most important media, a hundred photographers and students Across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, were selected to have the opportunity to speak with leading experts, attend key industry events and have their work professionally assessed.

Madiar Shujaeifar, a student of the Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Tehran, was able to attract the opinion of strict and professional international judges with his long-term project about the fine dust of Khuzestan and was selected as one of the 100 selected photographers in the world in this important international event.

In line with this success and as a bonus, Shujaeifar will have the opportunity to have three online interviews with one of the best editors in the world.

During the past years, Madiar Shujaeifar, by moving away from the media, has pursued photography as a freelancer (in a free form and for himself), and in addition to relying on research, he also devotes a large part of his time and focus to educating the next generation. Hadid and students at Bagcheh Art Cultural Institute in Ahvaz.

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