University of Tehran ranked first in international interactions

04 March 2023 | 09:56 Code : 33372 News


Top universities and research institutes were introduced in the field of international interactions

The Head of the Center for Scientific and International Cooperation Studies of the Ministry of Science, emphasizing that the universities of Tehran, Ferdowsi, Mashhad, and Iran Science and Technology, respectively, won the first to third ranks in the field of international interactions, and said: The Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Iran and the National Engineering Research Institute Genetics and biotechnology were introduced as two top research institutes in this field. Also, North Khorasan Science and Technology Park became the only ranked park in this area.

According to ISNA, Dr. Masoud Sadri Nasab today, at the conference of international vice-presidents across the country, which is being held at Payam Noor University, pointed out the most important indicators evaluated by universities in 2021-2 and said: the number of virtual meetings with international professors and researchers, the number of joint projects foreign, the amount of international grants received (in thousands of dollars), the number of international students, the number of joint educational courses, joint articles based on WOS, ranking among the most prestigious universities in the world, and the number of study opportunities for postdoctoral students and academic staff are among these identifiers by which we can evaluate the state of universities in terms of international interactions.

He also pointed to the international evaluation integration system of universities, research institutes and international organizations and said: from 2015 to 2019, evaluations and the process of data collection were done in a traditional way and the data was subjected to statistical analysis in the center, but in 2020 in order to facilitate and integrating the evaluation of international identifiers of universities, research institutes and international organizations, this center launched the first integrated performance evaluation system with reporting and ranking capabilities

Sadri Nasab noted: In the evaluation of 2021-2, a call was sent to 101 universities, the status of their international interactions is evaluated, of which 68 universities sent their information in the above system, of course, of the 34 research institutes that received this call, 15 The research institute was able to register their information.

According to him, in the evaluation of 2021-2 of   parks, we also sent a call to 36 science and technology parks so that their status is also evaluated in terms of international interactions, and 9 parks registered their information.

This official announced the names of universities, research institutes and parks with the highest rankings in the field of international interactions and said: University of Tehran, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran Science and Technology took the ranks one to three of the country's universities in the field of international interactions, respectively. And the universities of Tabriz, Isfahan, Gilan, Qom, Isfahan, Tarbiat Modares, Khajeh Nasir and Urmia also won the next ranks respectively.

In the end, he emphasized: Iran's Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, National Research Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology are the two research institutes that won the first and second place respectively in the field of international interactions, and North Khorasan Science and Technology Park is the only ranked park. This was evaluated.

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