Yaser Rahimi:In the proposed model of the construction supply chain network after the earthquake,the possibility of crisis management is facilitated/this model is based on three road risks,disruption of heavy vehicles or ambulances and temporary warehouse

13 October 2020 | 16:54 Code : 30440 Lived Experience
In February of this year, the annual international festival (2020) was held in cooperation with University of Tehran and Tehran University of Medical Sciences, and the winners of the international field in each section were introduced and acknowledged.


In an interview with Narges Hamidipour, a BA student in social communication sciences, Yaser Rahimi, a PhD student in the industrial engineering department of University of Tehran and one of the winners of this festival, said: "The specialties I have are mostly in supply chain networks, meta-heuristic algorithms, planning "Uncertainty programming is project management and construction, which will be talked about more in the coming years."
 The selected student in the specialized doctoral course in the field of industrial engineering also said about his plans to win this title: "I have used most of the methods and algorithms that have been presented recently; For example, methods like (AUGMECON2-IRPP), which are new methods that I always used in my articles. But my main expertise is in topics such as transportation network design (urban, air, rail and road), risk management, supply chain (medicine, blood, construction) and also discussions of artificial intelligence and meta-heuristic algorithms. My plan has also been mostly in the fields of transportation networks. Now I am working in the field of project management and health engineering.

Network modeling and optimization is essential for post-crisis management
He explained about the design and innovation of the Post-Disaster Reconstruction Supply Chain network: "When the Kermanshah earthquake happened, what was very evident was the weakness of crisis management in the earthquake phase. Therefore, I came to implement my construction supply chain network in the city of Kermanshah as a case study and two surrounding provinces, Hamadan and Kurdistan.
I designed a network so that in the next crises in each city, what should the crisis management officials of a region do, how to build temporary and permanent warehouses and how to consider the risks that arise in the uncertainty of the disruption after the earthquake (72 hours).

I considered three risks: road, disruption of heavy vehicles or ambulances and temporary storage. In this model, I made a mathematical planning that this design and mathematical modeling can be the basis of research in this regard for the next students in this field.
He added about the main goal of this research: "The goal is to develop a model for the location-routing problem in order to plan for the recovery and reconstruction phase after the disaster at risk of disrupting the distribution networks of construction materials to further empower the reconstruction supply chains and the beneficial use of Construction resources are limited (they are scarce and expensive due to disaster).

Therefore, the proposed model determines the suppliers of construction resources and the optimal locations of temporary resource distribution warehouses in the pre-disaster period and the optimal routes for the transfer of reconstruction resources to the permanent residences of the survivors, as well as the optimal number of resources allocated to each demand point in the post-disaster period. .
In this way, the proposed model simultaneously accelerates the recovery operation to return the situation to normal as best as possible and minimizes the construction costs according to the proper planning of access to the construction resources.

Disruption in the capacity of network links in the first model is obtained based on the amount of capacity and flow through each route in post-crisis conditions compared to the designed capacity of that route. In fact, this disruption is focused on the flow of materials passing through the edges of the supply chain network. While in the model of disturbance in the capacity of transportation routes in the second model, it is calculated according to the number of vehicles that can be used on the roads.

It should be noted that since each of the resources required by each affected area may be provided by only one temporary resource distribution warehouse, therefore, in addition to one truck passing through the same node several times, different trucks can also pass through the same node.
The ISI index alone does not give credit to an article
Later, Yaser Rahimi said about his articles and research work: "For the last five years, I have tried to work on articles that at least have a topic that I can publish in high-level publications.

For example, I am proud of six articles from 2016, with different titles, in a journal called engineering applications of artificial intelligence, which has an IF (impact factor) of 4.3 and a quality factor of one. I have published In fact, the articles I have published also increase their citation index, which means that both the journal is of high quality and the topic is a new topic. It has almost never been the case that I publish my paper just to get ISI, and I have always been concerned with its impact factor and quality. In addition, since my main work expertise is project management, I also examine the issues of crisis management and risk management in the project.
The selected student of the international festival of 2020 said about the international atmosphere and the prestige it has brought to him: "The truth is that through this publication of articles in prestigious publications, I have been able to judge articles in other prestigious publications as a referee. . That is, they publish an article in the ASCE magazine, which has about 20 to 25 magazines there (American Society of Civil Engineers), and thank God, I am now there as a referee, or the American Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, abbreviated as IEEE, where I am also a judge.

In the same artificial intelligence magazine that I mentioned earlier, I also judge articles. I do the same in Transportation Research part e, which is one of the most reliable journals in the field of transportation. In the field of mathematical programming, I also judge in the journal Computers & Operations Research. In fact, these are journals that are reliable in the world, and thank God, I am a judge in them, and I thank God again for giving me this title, and I hope that I can do greater things."

Regarding his work environment in the international arena, he added: "Fortunately, we have worked in journals that can be defended if you go to universities abroad. Because now I see that professors, students and researchers are mostly going to countries like South Korea and Northeast Asia, which accept articles quickly, and even though they are ISI, their impact factor is low, which is not good for our field. Because when foreign professors see your Google Scholar, they check the quality of articles and publications, and it is important that they have a high impact factor and quality.

For applied research, real data should be given to engineers
Regarding the relationship between research projects and the operational and industrial environment, he added: "Unfortunately, in the country and universities, when students are introduced to a place to work, for example, health engineering in hospitals, it is strongly opposed to taking the data of hospital patients. Or even to get factory data, pharmacy data and any other data, it is very difficult. So it is very difficult to work on applied papers. But considering that I have about 10 years of executive work experience in the field of project management (one of the specializations of industrial engineering), I used to get their real data in the companies I worked for; to print very useful articles in the executive space

For example, one of the successes that a researcher can have in publishing an article is managerial insight, which shows how useful that article is for companies and organizations and what problems it solves for society. So it is very important that the articles you publish have such a section; especially in engineering fields.
But the biggest problem that I see unfortunately is that in our academic environment, most articles are published that are theoretical, and if they are really examined, we rarely see articles that solve a case or problem from society or companies, except for articles that are laboratory.

Because in the laboratory you are engaged in a very practical and scientific work. But in the field of engineering, practical work must be done, and the problem I see is that the connection between industry and university is very weak, and this connection does not exist. I hope that in the coming years a good relationship will be formed and more practical doctoral theses will be presented."
He suggested about the national obstacles that stand in their way: "Firstly, I said, considering that it is very difficult to get data and take it in the real space; There is this obstacle. I say to look at the issue and problem from the base and solve it; That is, universities take the issue and problem from the company, and then when the basic issues raised in the company are referred to the university, the university gives them to doctoral students who go after the issue and solve the problem. They have such data that they can provide very good work and they can also do practical work."

Not only one person is involved in research work
In the end, the PhD student of Industrial Engineering of University  of Tehran said about conducting research as a team: This work was the result of my efforts and the students I worked with and my mentors. Actually, this title that was obtained was not the work of one person, many people were involved in this title; such as supervisors, consultant professors, professors who worked with me during the master's and doctorate courses.

For seven years, from 1992 to 1999, I was an RA (research assistant) and TA (teacher assistant) for a few courses at the School of Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, and to work and write articles, I was basically looking for people who were prone to having excellent English and programming skills and to be motivated people. So, these people have been involved in this title and have helped me a lot, and I thank them all for being by my side.

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