UT Develops Sensor for Measuring Nanoparticles in Collaboration with Stanford University

19 September 2021 | 22:58 Code : 20982 News Achievements
UT PR: A team of researchers affiliated with the University of Tehran and Stanford University have developed a sensor for measuring nanoparticles.

Entitled “Entangled Nanoplasmonic Cavities for Estimating Thickness of Surface-Adsorbed Layers”, this collaborative research was conducted by Amideddin Mataji-Kojour, Ph.D. holder in electrical engineering, Mahmoud Shahabadi, Professor at UT School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and a contingent of professors and researchers affiliated with Stanford University, namely Mehmet Ozgun Ozen, Fatih Inci, and Utkan Demirci. 

The journal paper that discusses the results of this research appears in ACS Nano 2020, number 14, issue 7.

tags: University of Tehran Nanoparticles Stanford University

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