First AUAP Communication Committee Meeting Held

24 July 2021 | 21:58 Code : 18709 News
UT PR: The first AUAP Communication Committee plenary meeting was held virtually on Tuesday, July 20.

Prof. Hari Mohan Gupta, AUAP Second Vice President and Chairman of the AUAP Communication Committee, opened the session by stressing the necessity of highlighting the role and significance of Asian universities through public relations and communication activities.

Prof. Gupta also underscored the pivotal role of the AUAP in branding and the improvement of intercollegiate relations both within AUAP and between AUAP member universities and other universities around the globe.

Prof. Gupta’s proposal concerning branding for the AUAP and its member universities was subsequently discussed. It was determined that the committee should prepare a strategic plan for the promotion of the AUAP brand and present it to the President of AUAP for implementation within six months. 

In addition, Dr. Diwakar Shukla from India and Dr. Abbas Ghanbari Baghestan from Iran were elected as Secretary and Coordinator of the AUAP Communication Committee, respectively. 

It bears noting that the AUAP Communication Committee includes 16 representatives from AUAP member universities in different geographical regions of Asia and the Pacific. 


tags: University of Tehran AUAP Communication Committee Meeting

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