1st AUAP Digital Transformation Committee Meeting Held

03 July 2021 | 01:10 Code : 18041 News
UT PR: The 1st AUAP Digital Transformation Committee meeting, presided by Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of the University of Tehran and Chairman of AUAP Advisory Council, was held virtually on June 29, 2021.

ِِDr. Omid Fatemi, Director of the UT Digital Technology Center and Member of AUAP-DTC, Dr. Fatemeh Hajali Asgari, Director of Electronic Internationalization at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Mohamamd Hosssein Sarrafzadeh, UT Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Cyrus Zamani, Director General of the UT Office of the President, Mr. Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General for International Relations, and Dr. Ricardo P. Pama, Secretary General of AUAP, were among the dignitaries who attended the meeting. Several other AUAP officials and members of DTC from AUAP member countries were also present.

The attendees discussed various aspects of digital transformation and exchanged insights and experiences as to the ways in which digital technology could be integrated into all areas of universities and academic institutions at large.   

tags: University of Tehran AUAP

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