The General Manager of UT Health Center Declared:

Notification of Hygiene Protocols for Educational and Research Activities of Ph.D. Students

08 June 2020 | 15:31 Code : 17361 News UT Response to the COVID-19
UT PR: The General Manager of UT Health Center declared notification of hygiene protocols for educational and research activities of Ph.D. Students in May.

According to UT Health Center and citing from Vice-Presidency of Students Affairs, Dr. Yousef Moghadas, General Manager of UT Health Center, upon giving the news asserted, "In line with decisions of National Committee of Confronting Covid-19, the necessity of planning and preparation to follow hygiene protocols and personal health is required more than before due to gradual reopening of universities and centers of higher education in June 6".

He then explained, "This General Office followed the order of UT Vice-Presidency of Students Affairs and assembled a collection of hygiene instructions for research and educational activities of Ph.D. students earlier in May 11th."

Dr. Moghadas then added, "Apart from hygiene protocols of confronting Covid-19 which are based on regulations of Ministry of Health and Medical Education, this instruction includes a questionnaire to evaluate students' health and a letter of commitment to follow hygiene protocols." He mentioned the main concerns of the instructions in the end and said, "the main concerns are social distancing, refusal to attend populated areas, using mask and approaching medical centers in case of witnessing symptoms".

tags: Covid-19 University of Tehran Hygiene Protocols

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