The Literary, Artistic, Mental-Health Competition of the Corona-Oriented Semester was Held

19 April 2020 | 11:27 Code : 17244 News UT Response to the COVID-19
UT PR: The competition of the Corona-oriented semester was held.

According to UT Counselling Center, the competition of the Corona-oriented semester was held with focus on self-protection and obligation to hygiene protocols in line with preventing and encountering the Covid-19, maintaining mental health, hopefulness, personal, social and familial consequences and experiences. Hamid Pairavi, head of the Counselling Center of UT appreciated participation of students in this competitions and stated, "Over a thousand works have been sent to the secretariat of the Assembly of Mental-Health Fellows of Universities and Higher Education Institutes including 300 poems, 269 caricatures and paintings, 103 pictures, 279 short articles, 7 declamations, 10 animations and films, 42 stories, 12 posters and etc."

He pointed out, "All received works will gradually be published in the channel of Assembly of Mental-Health Fellows of Universities and Higher Education Institutes, @Kanoonhamyaran and, and the results will be announced following the arbitration of the received works. 

tags: Covid-19 University of Tehran

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