Head of UT Health Center:

Possibility of Fast Covid-19 Testing for Students Who Reside in Dormitories of UT

13 January 2021 | 16:53 Code : 17114 News UT Response to the COVID-19
UT PR: Dr. Yousef Mogahdas, head of UT Health Center, announced the possibility of fast covid-19 testing for students who reside in dormitories of UT.

Dr. Yousef Moghadas, head of UT Health Center, also asserted, "As the eligible M.A. students, who had requested to use the dorm facilities, were sent to the UT health Center by the Committee of Issuing Certificate to Reside at UT, the UT Health Center has gradually completed the process of health evaluation. Since the number of students who reside in UT dorms has increase and it is essential to protect such students, fast testing for Covid-19 is included in the procedure of medical evaluation and issuing the health certificate."

He mentioned that fast testing to diagnose Covid-19 was provided with assistance of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and then pointed out, "As fast testing for Covid-19 is included in the procedure, the eligible students may approach the UT Health Center for testing after completing the questionnaire of case history and personal health commitment. Following the medical examination, the health certificate of students will be issued if the examination is approved." The head of UT Medical Center in the end stipulated, "Following the consultations, fast testing of Covid-19 will be free for eligible students whose requests to reside in the UT dorms are approved and the students can approach the UT Health Center for testing in working days from 8 am to 10 am."

tags: UT Health Center Covid-19 dormitories

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