UT School of Physics to Participate in PANDA Experiment

22 April 2021 | 10:16 Code : 15951 News Achievements
UT PR: Dr. Kazem Azizi, professor of physics at UT, announced that a research team from the UT School of Physics would join the scientists collaborating on the PANDA experiment.

Dr. Azizi, who will be supervising this research team, stated: “The laboratory in which the PANDA (antiProton ANnihilation at Darmstadt) experiment is to be conducted is now under construction. This facility will be a central international laboratory in the field of particle physics. It is expected that the laboratory will be ready to start the process of data acquisition in 2024. More than 65 scientific institutions and 450 scientists from 20 counties have been involved in the process of designing and establishing this laboratory”.

According to Dr. Azizi, the PANDA project’s unique structure distinguishes it from similar experiments. In this experiment, antiprotons will collide with protons, and the High-Energy Storage Ring  which (HESR) will enable the researchers to better understand the properties of protons and neutrons as the basic particles making up the atom.

Dr. Azizi additionally indicated: “Joining this laboratory will provide the Faculty of Science’s professors and students with a favorable opportunity to continue their collaborations with this pioneering scientific center”.

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